HAVOC/SOS Summer Series - Event 1 - Hanningfield
Tue 17th Aug 2021
Type of event:
Type of terrain: Urban
** 4/9/21 Results now updated to show MapRuns as well **
Thanks for coming to the event on Tuesday in Hanningfield. Hope you liked the format - I just didn't want everyone to be following along on a route which didn't offer much route choice, so I thought I score event might provide some interesting options, and give you all an extra thing to think about! Sorry for the couple of controls where the dot on the map was on the wrong side of the road - I should have zoomed in a bit more when I was marking the controls. I also couldn't read my handwriting properly, so got a 7 and 1 muddled up in the telegraph pole number. Everyone got the correct answer here, but apologies if you lost some time due to my error. There were a couple of wrong answers where I couldn't realistically see where you went wrong. However, for the gate bars and fitness machines answers I took all possible answers.
I have set up the courses on MapRun, so if you want to try to improve your time, then they are there for you. Details on the HAVOC website. Runs in the next couple of weeks will score points for the league.
On the night, there was a clear winner on the short course, as Eleanor Evans got home seven minutes ahead of the next best runner. She also took the win once handicaps were considered.
Allen Smalls got the fastest time on the Long course, and the fastest handicap time as well.
The league will take the best three scores over the four event series. The next event is a Sprint event at Rayne, near Braintree.
The event will form part of HAVOC/SOS Mid-Week O League. Points will be awarded based on finishing times adjusted using an age/gender handicap system. Each missed or incorrect control will incur a 5 minutes penalty. Best 3 results from the series will count. Full results will be emailed and published on the SOS and HAVOC websites.
Nearest town: West Hanningfield
- Grid Ref:
- Postcode: CM2 8UT
- Latitude: 51.66866
- Longitude: 0.49911
- Google Map (aerial)
- Bing Map (OS)
- OpenStreetMap
Directions / Parking
Middlemead, just south of the junction with Church Lane, CM2 8UT
The start/finish area will be on the open area to the north of Middlemead, near the PostBox.
On street parking along Middlemead. Please park tidily. Please park on the main part of Middlemead, not in the semicircular residential parking area.
There are no toilets available at the start/finish.
Terrain Description
The course is on roads, pavements, footpaths and trails.
Registration & Start Times
Start at times between 6.30pm and 7.30pm as confirmed by Event Coordinator. Please arrive and be ready for your agreed start time. Competitors must report to the finish by 8.45pm.
Course Information
Both the Short and Long courses are Score courses. However, it is expected that most competitors will be able to visit all controls – the score format is just to give you some route choice. Time to finish the course will therefore be the ranking method – if a control is missed/wrong then it will add 5 minutes to your time.
Open Orienteering style Map 1:10,000 scale.
Controls are a selection of street furniture and signs, including Fire Hydrant Signs, Postboxes, Signs, and Telegraph Poles. There are also a few questions requiring a number, colour, or text answer.
What you need to record for each control is shown on the map.
Please bring a pen or pencil to mark the control card and map bag if it is wet.
The course is on roads, pavements, footpaths and trails. Please wear suitable footwear. There are two sections of road with no footpath, so please be careful on these. Some of the footpaths have patches of knee high undergrowth, including nettles, so full leg cover is recommended. Depending on your route choice, the percentage of road/off road will vary, but it is up to 70% off road.
Entry Details
£3 Seniors, £1.50 under 21 or students for just one event, or £5 paid for both HAVOC events
Electronic Pre-payment is required. Bank details will be sent with the confirmation of entry.
Contacts / Officials
Organiser/Planner – David Float Email: Tel: 07801 216634
HAVOC Series Coordinator – David Float Email: Tel: 07801 216634
Covid 19 Officer – Graham Batty Email: Tel: 07985 609719
Safety and Risk
A comprehensive risk assessment will have been carried out by the organiser, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event.
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